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Feb 17, 2017

On this week’s group chat, we talk about family nicknames on our Friday Speed Round; shout out some stuff we like on the Roundabout Roundup; hear an interview with a special-education advocate; and do some shameless self-promotion. But first, a discussion of (yikes) daughters and dating. Here’s your road map to the episode:

05:39: Put Yourself Out There ... But Not Too Far Out — Our daughters don’t much want to hear our advice about dating, and maybe it’s just as well, because we’re not even sure whether dating’s a thing anymore, or whether “a thing” is dating, or why you can’t ask someone to a dance without roses and guinea pigs. Like they say on Facebook, “it’s complicated.”

23:04: Friday Speed Round: Nicknames — Terri “Don’t Call Me Terrianne and Especially Not Theresa," Nicole “not Nicky, not ever,” and Catherine “Usually Not Cathy” have a chat about names short, first, middle, and full.

29:35: Parenting Roundabout Roundup — Terri thanks Hootsuite for helping her bombard our podcast’s followers (and hers) with endless promotional tweets; Nicole shouts out to her favorite pizza place Pieology; and Catherine is excited to have a Freshii in her neighborhood.

33:12 Interview of the Week — Greer Gurland, author of How to Advocate Successfully for Your Child: What Every Parent Should Know About Special Education Law, chats with Terri about how hard it feels to advocate for our kids these days — and then somehow teach them how to advocate for themselves. (Mentioned: Episode 156’s discussion of helping kids find out what they’re good at.)

45:07 Shameless Self-Promotion — Terri invites you to our YouTube channel; Nicole will give you some kind of credits if you take her online training class on inclusive education; and Catherine has a VeryWell article about whether football is safe for kids.

Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you’re reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to for the full recap experience.