Aug 26, 2016
On this week's group chat, we talk about kids
moving out on their own, discuss how likely we are to take selfies,
shout out some stuff we like on the Roundabout Roundup, and talk
back-to-school with guest Robert Rummel-Hudson. Here's your
road map to the episode:
04:22 Nests, Empty or Not — Is moving away from home an absolute rite of young adulthood that we must force our kids to engage in above all else? Or can we give the kids a break and let them stay in the nest while they struggle to get started in a crummy job market? We share our own movin' out stories and wonder what's next for our kids.
23:54 Speed Round: To Selfie or Not to Selfie? — We admit to some ambivalence about taking our own photos, and wish for some sort of at-home chin-slimming selfie stick.
30:42 Parenting Roundabout Roundup — Terri is getting some calorie-counting help from SparkPeople; Catherine is enjoying getting boxes of ingredients and recipes from one of those blogger-cliche meal-prep services; and Nicole has been enjoying ordering out via computer.
38:50 Interview of the Week — Robert Rummel-Hudson joins us, as he does once a month, to talk with Terri about the particular challenges of back-to-school for students with disabilities and their parents.
52:37 Shameless Self-Promotion — Terri has some thoughts about kids and lying on her Mothers With Attitude site; Catherine has updated her article on using books to teach sportsmanship; and Nicole would like you to vote for her SXSW panel.
Thanks as always to Jon Morin for producing our podcast and for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to for the full recap experience.
Oh, wow! I was just north of Sydney on the coast. Was there for a year during 11th grade. What an experience!!
Nicole! No way! You were an exchange student to Australia? I was too! I lived outside Queensland!