Jul 28, 2017
00:31 Bathroom Beautification: Terri's master bath is getting a spruce-up, to ensure that the floor doesn't cave in.
06:22 You Win Some, You Lose Some: Nicole brings us this week's rant, about parents who elbow other kids out of the way to help their own offspring get ahead.
25:11 Friday Speed Round: When Kids Want to Change Their Names: Terri's daughter found out the hard way that Facebook doesn't look too kindly on name changes made just for fun. (Wondering how Nicole's daughter likes her name? We're waiting on a text. Check back at 45:54.)
31:23 Interview of the Week: Robert Rummel-Hudson: Terri chats with Robert Rummel-Hudson, author of Schuyler's Monster and blogger at Support for Special Needs, about his daughter's summer internship.
46:33 Shameless Self-Promotion: Terri wants you to Get a Running Start on Your Back-to-School Advocacy; Nicole wants you to follow her on Twitter; Catherine wants you to contact her if you're a children's book editor or agent.
Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to http://parentingroundabout.com for the full recap experience.