Aug 18, 2017
00:32 Incoming Australians! Nicole has visitors; later in the episode, we'll discuss how they can earn their keep.
10:43 Milestones to Love and Hate: It's back-to-school time, so we're thinking about all the good-news/bad-news milestones we might be observing, like that first "I forgot" phone call of the year.
29:12 Friday Speed Round: Appliance Time: Our appliances let us know when they're ready to be replaced by refusing to do their jobs.
39:28 Interview of the Week: Pediatric occupational therapist Meghan Corridan shares tips and tools for kids struggling with handwriting. Mentioned: 7 Writing Tools to Try for Children with Special Needs; Meghan's blog, MAC&Toys; past podcast interviews on manipulative toys and journals.
50:46 Shameless Self-Promotion: School-year firsts for parents of kids with special needs; super-sized roundup of special needs parenting books; Kids Included Together online introductory course; summer adventures for babies.
Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to for the full recap experience.