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Jul 31, 2015

Word BubbleHave you ever been so invested in a family vacation that you're determined to make your family stay through a hurricane? Or brought an extra set of parent-like adults along with you on a trip? Well, we have. This week we talked about our recent trips and our upcoming trips. Nicole even brought an extra kid home from Canada on her vacation! Find out how that happened and also why Amanda keeps butting in to plug her new book in this conversation.

Then, of course, we made the natural transition from talking about family vacations to talking about sleep deprivation. Have you ever felt so tired you just want to cry? Or wanted to make everybody else stay awake when you have insomnia so they can feel your misery? Well, maybe you haven't, but don't judge us for for being exhausted! We even have a new word for it: Crierd.

Finally, we gave our recommendations for the week: Amanda was interested in the idea that snoring kids who have sleep apnea might be misdiagnosed with ADHD. Catherine wanted you to know that if worrying about your kids' activities is messing up your sleep, she's written about when quitting is for the best, and she also recommended some "Healthy Eating Tips for Travel," while Nicole recommended Field Trip, a cool app to help you find landmarks as you travel. Terri shared "Where to Watch the 2015 Special Olympics World Games" and reminded us that the Americans with Disabilities Act just turned 25, which reminded Amanda of an interview with Rep. Sensenbrenner on Understood. (Did we mention we're sleep-deprived?) Thanks as always to Jon Morin for producing our episode and Kristin Eredics for our happy in-and-out music.