Apr 27, 2017
00:32 A Major Award: Nicole's brother was nominated for an Emmy!
4:17 Ladies in Waiting: When we were handing out our own awards a few weeks ago, we should have had a category for Waiting—best wait, worst wait, longest wait. Wait here, we have more to say about this topic.
19:26 Friday Speed Round — Mom Jewelry:...
Apr 27, 2017
On our Thursday Speed Round, we consider the degree to which the cool things of our youth — Walkman! Stirrup pants! The Seventies! — have not fared well with time.
Apr 25, 2017
Your road map to this week's entertainment-themed episode:
00:40 Dancing with the Stars—Last week, we hoped we wouldn't see Julianne's top-knot again. This week, all of Julianne was missing, and we got Nick Carter as a guest judge—as well as a shocking! elimination! (Terri wasn't too shocked.)
13:27 The West...
Apr 25, 2017
On our Tuesday Speed Round, we talked weird foods we're not afraid to say we like. Hear us justify our appreciation of rice cakes with margarine, Brussels sprouts, and Vegemite.