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Jun 6, 2017

Your road map to this week's entertainment-themed podcast:

00:47 Master of None: In the second episode of this season, Dev's very tall pal Arnold comes for a visit. We enjoyed the height-mismatched pair's warm relationship and how they supported each other through romantic entanglements.

07:52 The West Wing: We followed up last week's fan favorite turkey episode with "The Women of Qumar," one that's more of a figurative turkey for many. We appreciated the West Wing Weekly podcast's take on this one and its many issues.

15:19 Challenge Round: Cougar Town: Terri challenged Catherine to watch a few episodes from season 3 of this sitcom ("Ain't Love Strange," "One Story Town," and "Down South"), which is delightfully silly and fun. (Mentioned: Two video compilations from the show.) (Plus, watch Jules and Grayson's wedding! And Ted making any song sad! And ... and ...)

Program Note: No Round 2 for the next two weeks. On June 27, join us for episode 3 of Master of None, plus "Bartlet for America" and "H.Con-172" from The West Wing.

On July 4 (or thereabouts), we'll discuss episode 4 of Master of None and West Wing's "100,000 Airplanes" and "The Two Bartlets."

On July 11, the Challenge Rounds will resume with the book The Royal We, so start reading!