Aug 20, 2018
00:31 Spirit Week: Nicole has questions about her daughter's high school's interpretation of a theme.
09:42 What We Missed Out On: New parents today have access to tons of cool gear we never got to use, and we’re sad about that. But we're also complaining about what our own parents had that we didn't.
23:40 Speed Round: Our Earliest Memories: Two out of three involve car rides to preschool, and the third involves a baby who looked a lot like this.
29:49 Roundabout Roundup: When Breath Becomes Air and Maisie Dobbs on Audible; School Tool Box; the Salty Waitress column.
35:30 Shameless Self-Promotion: Something new from Terri at Parenting Isn't Pretty; 3 Big Misconceptions About Inclusion; and a request for you to review this podcast (please!).
Thanks as always to Jon Morin for our fun in-and-out music. If you're reading this somewhere without hyperlinks, come to for the full recap experience.